Monday, June 21, 2010

Penguin Slippers Sales

At the root of contemporary art. The crisis of Impressionism

Vincent van Gogh.
I girasoli, 1888, Londra.
National Gallery

Nel 1886 è un anno chiave for art in Paris, then the undisputed capital of the European School. The pointillist
contributes to the emergence of new languages \u200b\u200bfor the future development of artistic creation. The original style of Paul Cezanne, is increasingly becoming more and more significant results with becoming a point of reference for the new generations, by Paul Gauguin, who is still seeking its own artistic language, but already interested in painting a synthetic, highly symbolic.
In that period he worked in Paris Herri de Toulouse-Lautrec, a man become a legend because of its short fictional biographer, sensitive singer of Parisian nights and clever inventor of posters of surprising modernity. In 1886 Vincent van also comes Gong and its unique language will leave a deep mark on the European scene, sowing the seeds for the birth of the expression of them upset about the artistic circles in France and Germany.
The expressions are not easy to label, artists are free of any membership group.
These new artists express a new way of seeing and hearing. Art is no longer a retinal and simply record the external reality, the impressions of truth, the artist looks into looking at the answers himself, transforms, translates information that the eye provides, enriching or simplifies a new era is dawning The "big eye" of Monet to capture the subtle variations of true, is not enough. The term has already passed the impression, the time of avant-garde is now at hand.


The short life of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec , has the flavor of a novel and can be used as few others in the narrative. This aspect too has contributed to the fame of the artists who best embody the common imagery of life in Paris. Beyond lights and shadows of his character, Toulouse is a painter of the highest level, an extraordinary inventor of billboards and very modern printed works that are innovative graphics solutions. Born in 1864, from a noble family, he started painting as a result of immobility due to poor health forced, un'osteogenesi imperfect nature of genetics is causing his frequent bone fractures, and stop its growth to 150 cm in height. In 1886 he moved to Paris, the economic independence also marks the start of a brilliant and brief career as an artist. Admirer of Degas he devoted mainly to scenes of daily life in Paris by night. If the issues are similar to those of Degas, the aproccio is different. Seconded the eye of the master impressionist is replaced by that of Henri Toulouse-sensitive. To understand the difference between the two eyes, is enough to compare the works of Degas to the female toilet and one of the best known oils of Toulouse. The toilet in the first image gives the impression of spying in the lock, the second in spite of the position behind the subject and the atmosphere of a quiet complicity between artist and model. Few artists have managed to portray the daily life with stunning immediacy. The bed is a real snapshot of disarming truth cultured without malice can suggest the complexity of a lifetime in the short space of a sheet.
His posters have made history, one of the most famous Moulin Rouge, La Goulue, a new era, the advertising graphics. The poster was an immediate success and introduces some great novelty, reminiscent of a sign written in red with a solution of the big M and the repetition of words, the perspective distortion of space, globes of gas lamps, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe public placed in a semicircle. Henri Toulouse combines different suggestions, mediating the simplicity and stylization of Japanese prints, key to understanding the artist's work. "Toulouse, became interested in lithography in 1891, in ten years will create more than 360 that shows the 'the artist's commitment in this area. Lautrec for his graphic works is a proper completion of the work depicted. A lot of originality not matched by a real appreciation from the critics and the public, which does not include the changes introduced by the artist. Toulouse, died at only thirty-seven years syphilis.


Paul Cezanne . The father of modern
Paul Cezanne .
Apples and oranges-1895-1900
Paris, Musée d'Orsay
apples make their appearance in the work of Cezanne in the seventies and became, in later years, one of the most popular subjects of the artist. Cezanne's style in painting fruit has charmed critics and writers, is known, the opinion of the writer Virginia Woolf observes that As you look more like apples of Cezanne, the more apples seem to become more red and more green and round and their heavy pigment itself seems to defy, we touch some nerve, stimulate, excite words inspire in us where we did not believe that words exist, suggests ways in which the first did not see that yet. In this wonderful canvas
nothing is left to chance, the objects and fruits are arranged in space according to different angles, along a diagonal, giving a balanced but very complex multiplicity of points of view.
Paul Cèzanne nasce a Aix-en Provence nel 1839. Suo padre è un fortunato commerciante di umili origini che grazie alla propria abilità negli affari, arriverà a possedere l'unica banca della città; all'ascesa economica non ne corrisponde una sociale: gli arricchiti Cèzanne non godrà mai della considerazione dei propri concittadini. Compagno di scuola di Zola, che rappresenta per il pittore un importante riferimento culturale e affettivo Paul abbandona presto gli studi per dedicarsi alla pittura. Parte per Parigi dove viene accolto con ostilità: il suo carattere scontroso e ostentatamente rozzo, cosi poco avvezzo alle raffinatezze cittadine, si accompagna a un linguaggio artistico incomprensibile anche agli spiriti più colti. Il lato oscuro Cezanne's good is evident in his early works, never completely subsided even in maturity. First encounter with impressionism whose works are Maddalena (1869 Paricio about Musée d'Orsay) or woman strangled of 1870-1872, Paris, Musée d'Orsay), both works highlight a particular aspect of the work of visionary Cèzanne.Le scenes painted in the seventies-all: The orgy (pictured right)
(around 1870 private collection) which reveals all the contradictions and fears of a difficult man inwardly unresolved, for which the sexual and emotional relationships are still a painful battlefield. The paintings of this period are particularly interesting for understanding the artist and his work.
The portrait is a genre very popular artist, from the beginning. The youthful portrait of her father, learned while reading the newspaper in an armchair at home gives us an extraordinary example, the apparent calm hides once again the complexity of a difficult family relationship: "L'événement" is the newspaper in which Zola publishes his articles in defense of the Impressionists, writings hardly have received the sympathy of his father, adamantly opposed to the son's departure for Paris and his vocation as an artist. It is no coincidence that, at his back, face fine show whether, on the wall, a still life painter, a painting that really exists: Sugar Pears and blue cup (1865-1866 - Paris Musée d'Orsay) Works
the next with Paul Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh



Stars. Silent spectators
of anger and joy
of terrible things

motionless companions of the lonely wanderer
the fisherman at night
of those awaiting a return.

To offer looks
joyful sparks.
Splendor spread. Want to light up

Ember dispensers of hope
Dreams illuminate
range of colors in unexpected.

Bright summer nights.
Recall blond sirens
for the novel Ulysses.

In their magic dust
the beginning of time is enclosed
the mystery of the universe.

Anna Robert
thank my friend Anna, who with his verses, enhanced by pure poetry Soloimmagini.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wooden Fingerboard Sale 2010

The daily distribution to kiosks of the historic center of Venice in the early hours of the morning, newspapers and periodicals


At the bottom of many emails I receive, marked with a logo depicting a small leaf, often find the phrase "Respect the environment. Do not print this email if you do not need "an invitation, in other words, not wasting paper and contribute thereby to protect the planet from the disastrous deforestation in place a bit 'everywhere and especially in the Amazon rainforest. And also to prevent, if the mail, once printed and completed its purpose, would end up as often the case in the trash, excessive and unnecessary accumulation of waste paper difficult to recycle or dispose of without causing damage, in one way or another, the environment.

Given the crisis in newspapers for years now a bit 'all over the world and especially in our country - not having been able to grasp and make their own opportunities offered by social and cultural changes have occurred in recent years globally via the Internet - and considered that their publishers, despite the inevitable financial losses resulting from the crisis, continue undeterred to send them on sale regularly using tons and tons of paper, and wasting nearly as many because yield more consistent every day, why not pay them a call also to respect the environment and not to print their newspaper if it is not necessary?

Maybe some of them can not repent, for once, closing down shack and puppets rather than insistently pity funding from the state, blame is wrong with the Internet or rhetorically unlikely prospect risks to our democracy, as if a company has finally learned to communicate on its own and in its place, without any need for intermediaries or distributors from the top of world views, then something was undemocratic.


Related Links

fall in sales for newspapers, data

( everyday-i-i-dati.html)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Transmission Fluid 110cc


Far from become "the morning prayer of modern man" - according to the wish of Hegel - reading the newspaper or newspapers, both in their traditional print edition in the online media, meets today new and unexpected obstacles - including which, above all, the claim more and more ways and times to make information on the so-called "web 2.0" - which hamper it in a much more serious and more serious than any obstacle encountered in the past.

Until a few decades ago, when yours truly was still little more than a boy, the biggest obstacle standing in the way of reading one or more daily newspapers printed edition, which was still the only existing, was represented by a widespread reluctance to the reading in our country and due in large part, in addition to a low level of culture medium at all to have the slightest familiarità con la lingua italiana scritta, al fatto che la giornata della stragrande maggioranza della popolazione italiana era ancora forzatamente assorbita pressoché interamente dalla preoccupazione di mettere insieme quotidianamente pane e companatico. E non c’era quindi assolutamente spazio, né voglia, per distrazioni fuorvianti quali la lettura anche soltanto del quotidiano locale, riservata a pochi privilegiati che, grazie alla discreta condizione economica di cui godevano, potevano tranquillamente permettersi tale “lusso”, assieme curiosamente a pensionati, disoccupati e sfaccendati vari che, pur non godendo ovviamente dei medesimi mezzi economici, potevano tuttavia disporre di tutto il tempo possibile e immaginabile e approfittare during the day the newspaper that, like today, many public places are used to make available to its customers.

Subsequently, in a few years, everything changed fortunately thanks to a relative affluence spread in most of the Italian population and the launch in our country, similar to what had already happened a long time in other European countries, of mass schooling. But, despite the fact that after these changes become the newspaper every day for many Italians a primary means of information and movement of ideas, but we do not differ much in the world ranking of reading newspapers, they were still relegated in last place, where, after several years, is still shown today - by, paradoxically, in certain countries where the notoriously press freedom and the right to information which are essential to democracy, are being systematically violated - taking into account that, as you can read between the other things in an interesting article by Stephan Faris published in "Time" just a few months ago - Italy's Newpapers: Untrusted Sources - only one Italian out of ten law on a daily newspaper, against one in five U.S. and three in five in Japan.

In this regard, however, today, unlike the past when there was a tendency to attribute almost exclusively to the hastily because of the limited success of newspapers in our country to a supposed innate idiosyncrasy of reading against the Italians in general and to wrongly assume that the newspapers did not have anything to reproach which, not a few analysts are of the opinion that it, beyond all possible faults of the Italians, should certainly attributable in part to what the newspapers could not do and have done and continue to do today to avoid the crisis in a long time.

E 'in the eyes of all, to cite one example, they have not innovated pressoché nulla in un secolo e che, se si eccettua qualche dettaglio, come la fotografia a colori o il formato tabloid, i quotidiani che troviamo oggi in edicola non siano poi molto diversi, alla fin fine, da com’erano un secolo addietro. E, quel che è peggio, è che essi tendano per lo più a trasferire la medesima staticità e mancanza di innovazione, in forme diverse, anche nelle loro edizioni on line. Con il risultato di una sostanziale delusione da parte dei lettori, sia giovani che meno giovani, i quali chiedono in genere maggiore partecipazione e interattività; notizie inedite che non risultino, possibilmente, già apprese la sera prima dalla televisione o dalla radio e attinte solo ed esclusivamente dai canali ufficiali, but also from other news sources, alternative to the latter, such as blogs, citizen journalism, social networking etc, and especially images and video to the post, preferably, certain pedants pistolotti written primarily, rather than to inform, to show off its prose and culture with friends, colleagues, politicians etc..

It goes without saying that as long as the newspapers, be they paper or digital, will not feel the need to innovate, especially bridging the gap between what we usually offer and what would be requested, the crisis in act, not only will not cease, but that appears even more logical.


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