Thursday, June 25, 2009

Manchester United Mural Wallpaper


The few that I found on the internet on
I had to translate the translator can see the result!
or reads.

MALEK IMAN Iman Biography

Was born on 1976 in Tehran. Iman was born in 1976 in Tehran. He was fascinated by the technique of painting since she was a child. At age 15, he started to learn painting under the mastery of his first and only teacher - Morteza Katouzian - that is the greatest realist painter of Iran. Meanwhile, he began painting professionally. In 1999 he graduated in Graphic Design at the University of Tehran Art. Since 1998, he participated in several exhibitions. In 2000, he married the following year and has established KARA Painting Studio and started to teach painting, considering classical and traditional values.
The most important exhibitions that took part are: The Exhibition of realist painting in Iran Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (1999) and Group Exhibition of KARA Studio Painters at SABZ Gallery (1998) and the Palace Sa'ad Abad ( 2003). In 2005, Iman received the William Bouguereau and the President's Choice Award nel secondo salone internazionale ARC concorrenza.

composizione musicale, di nascosto", presumibilmente in modo da non dare l'allarme in quanto è improbabile these musicians are engaged in a secret surprise birthday party. In
on this challenge, the drum is silent but there is a rebellious joy in their incontro.Sono moved by almost childlike enthusiasm ... these souls who persist in refusing to give up their right to "boogie." Touching and funny Maleki's which means that each user has their own chair also shows us that he is the light of day in the dark of fuori.Il is not required by nature but by social circumstance. Note, there are no women on stage, even if it is a secret meeting. In this regard, a progressive reading of the painting is compromised.
Finite examinations



Empty sandals is a clever way to suggest that every woman is waiting for someone. The book of poetry is open suHafez justice with its double entender, pointing to the wedding night sensuality. There is a subtle contrast in the facial expressions of the two characters. The soft trace of hesitation and age of the girl's face is enigmatic. What's to fear of becoming a woman? Maleki also has the gift as a storyteller. In "Omens of Hafez," a young woman wearing a ring on his right hand, the other only a watch, which means waiting


Maleki in the treatment of women is nice and respectful, but does not enable a modern sense. the artist shows us his hands from the da Vinci portrait, Mona Lisa. Here, the painting is not what is covered, Mona Lisa was draped! You could take this as a visual joke by a master painter, or read a feminist protest in it. Or both. In da Vinci's Mona Lisa, we can see a picture in which the Italian artist gave to his female subject much potere.La most powerful, da Vinci, Mona Lisa is looking back at the viewer. In Maleki paintings, women often looking down, usually concerned with books, souvenirs, and other ways of being somewhere else in the spirit

In this picture, the age difference is more extreme characters. You can no longer shade the obvious. The child is sleep in the world. The girl looks, perhaps with envy, the youngest brother, who moved his child. E 'on his way to the reality that the mother experiences. The reason the angular window in the background echoes a similar pattern on the carpet in the first painting, linking themes. . The sandals in this painting are now full, with the road. In women
Iariane There is fear, and not There is resignation, fear, and perhaps even the feelings of betrayal among many other emotions, all enclosed in the face of the young mother holding her baby. This is a huge commitment undeniably sitting on his lap. Huger. The unknowns on the way to go is the father of war 'martyr'? An absent father? somewhere in the picture? She will end up having to beg for her and his girlfriend 'livelihoods?
It is rejected because it gave birth to a daughter?


Maleki of the game is evident in the way he makes us understand how these three young women are related. The clue is in black and white photo of three of them as kids. You can tell which is which? Who is the favorite mom? Or maybe the sisters in black and white photos are of the previous generation, and these women are first cousins. This is the kind of painting you can spend hours browsing emotionally. Longer than is necessary to watch a movie. Not bad for a single frame! Significantly, the mother is not portatore di uno roosari girato nella sua tazza. Le foto sono di tecnologia obsoleta, ma la mamma del mondo è stato abbastanza avanzato ha potuto esaminare la fotocamera. Maleki, Il "fotografo", Maleki, non quiz stesso su questioni di potere femminile, ma solo timidi riguardo.

Maleki è un artista che vede in grado di pagare un pennello per ogni sofferenza umana, utilizzando i dettagli flagellate a se stesso, in coincidenza con il suo soggetto. Egli riflette una cultura sciita spargimento visibile in lacrime per la sofferenza degli altri, e rivela una mentalità iraniane a rispettare la nostra tradizione di dettaglio in arti visive. I migliori tappeti vi vorranno anni a tessere; intarsio artisti sacrificare la loro vista, e piastrelle di lavoratori invecchiare con incompiuta moschee. Iran estetica della cultura è più confortevole con stili dove esistono chiari riferimenti da cui giudicare un lavoro. In vetrina il lavoro e l'impegno Maleki fa il suo lavoro immediatamente accessibile ad un pubblico più vasto, ma in campo energetico e di impatto, che detiene il suo più esclusivo contro astratto stili.
A volte, però, le tradizioni che danno Maleki force to the art of conspiring against him. E 'bright to draw attention to suffering, but it tends to leave his subjects of noble resignation. The mother in the picture above has dignity, but has no power. The child in this painting is trapped in his environment.

William A. Bouguereau studied
all'Académie Julian di Parigi e fu autore di quadri realistici
Nel 1850 Bouguereau vinse il Prix de Rome una borsa di studio per artisti
che consentiva al vincitore di usufruire di un soggiorno in Italia per
studiare da vicino l'arte classica.
Membro dal 1881 dell'Institut de France, diresse e animò assieme
Alexander Cabanel il Salon di Parigi, in cui espose molti dei suoi lavori.
Le sue opere non furono mai molto apprezzate dalla critica del tempo:
l'indifferenza che le circondava era dovuta anche, probabilmente,
alla repulsione che Bouguereau aveva per l'impressionismo,
verso il quale si era dimostrato molto critico in occasione
del Salon des Refusés.
Una riscoperta e valorizzazione dei suoi lavori
si è avuta solo nella seconda metà del Novecento.

Non mi sono meravigliata sapere che
IMAN MALEKI, ha ricevuto il Premio
William A. Bouguereau, anche William
è stato tra i migliori artisti realista
del suo tempo.
Ho immediatamente amato Iman maleki
nello stesso modo che amai e che amo

Every hour is a slow gait

vertical to the liquid gold of the sunset,

in halos of light that dazzle the mind.
When darkness will
I remember
clear and lucid words to describe the day

and give meaning to the succession of steps, in a location where

every expectation is that not a moment
between the symmetric and reality
what was not.



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