Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Edgy Makeup For A Party

Art and Empire.

The Altes Museum Altes Museum (Old Museum) is the oldest museum in Berlin, built in neoclassical style between 1823 and 1828 by the architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Today it houses the oldest collection of the State Museums of Berlin and the Egyptian Museum.

Germany between reality and illusion.
The era of Otto von Bismarck.
The second half of the marks for Germany a time of transition after a period of great social unrest, the outcome of the Franco-Prussian War returns stability to the country, bringing together under the leadership of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the many small German states. Bismark, after being appointed chancellor by Emperor William I, inaugurated a political conservative, who sees the bourgeoisie as a dangerous enemy, accused the Catholics of infidelity the crown and will curb any array of socialist ideology.

Wihelm Leibl
Three women in church,
1878-1882, Hamburg, Kunsthalle
The German Realism

The territorial division of the German nation provides, such as images, an equal division of the scene artistica.Come the rest of Europe in Germany is seeing a substantial crisis in academic and research by individual artists, expressive figures that fall within the class of the listed schools of painting while Nazionali.All 'Art Journal, resonant tones and celebratory accents, contrast with the poetics of subjective most original painters whose styles are already talking about different grammars.

Karl Theodor von Piloty
Thusnelda and the triumph of Germanicus,
1860-1873, Monaco, neue Pinakotehek
One of the main representatives degli ambienti ufficiali dell'arte tedesca è Karl Theodor von Piloty, pittore professionista già a quattordici anni, poi docente a Monaco e maestro dei più grandi nomi della successiva generazione Il suo Thusnelda e il trionfo di Germanico,è l'emblema della pittura di storia a sfondo nazionalista che conosce ampia diffusione nella scena tedesca del tempo. Il tema del dipinto è tratto dagli scritti di Tacito e strabone: Thusnelda, una fanciulla germanica di nobile stirpe presa prigioniera dai romani e fatta sfilare con suo figlio Tumelico come trionfo di guerra, diventa il simbolo dell'umiliazione della stirpe, un'immagine in grado di risvegliare il sentimento patrio del pubblico che, forte della recente vittoria sui francesi, accoglie la monumentale work (490 X710 cm) exposed to Vienna in 1873 with great enthusiasm - WORKS

Hans Makart, Entrance of Charles V in Antwerp, 1878,
Hamburg, Kunsthalle
less rigorous and more aesthetic approach to the genre is a student of Piloty, Hans Makart, who in his Entrance of Charles V at Antwerp, designed along the lines of work teacher, wins the audience by staging a parade in which famous people of the contemporary alternate with sensual female nudes, the cui presenza, del tutto gratuita ai fini iconografici, è pensata per dare piena soddisfazione al desiderio di forti emozioni degli spettatori. E' innegabile che nell'opera di Makart, il fatto storico resti del tutto in secondo piano; tanto più l'artista sembra interessato a elaborare una ricostruzione verosimile del momento narrato , ambientato nel XVI secolo.Makart.
il più ricettivo tra gli allievi di Piloty, ha esasperato le caratteristiche del maestro, portandole all'eccesso in ogni direzione, buona o cattiva. Nei suoi pezzi di bravura coloristici ha raggiunto livelli che non hanno eguale nella pittura del presente, ma ha anche spazzato via l'ultima briciola di vita spirituale loro lasciata dalla scuola di Piloty. - WORKS

Anselm Fuerbach
Medea-1870-Monaco-Neue Pinakothek
always in vogue in German painting is the mythological stories and literature . In the work of Anselm, which is colored by the fact mythological yearning accents sentimentali.Anselm Fuerbach known for its beautiful female figures, the protagonists of his paintings, Fuerbach artist is amazing, able to lay out an episode with disconcerting originality famed Medea. The artist's passion for the tragedy of Medea is the result from the staging of the play Ernest Legouvé which was held in Rome in 1886 In the painting now preserved in Monaco posing in the role of Medea Brunacci Lucia, one of the models known and loved by the artist during his stay italiano.La classic beauty of the woman captures the attention of the viewer look away from the figure weeping behind him, the nurse desperate: the only element that points to a future of dramatic events. In a complicated succession of realistic elements (the group of fishermen and the coastal landscape) erudite citations (especially by Michelangelo) and romantic memories, the painting leaves you speechless contemporaries, but they do not understand the extraordinary originality.
addition the beautiful works on literary subject, Fuerbach also makes some interesting portraits .- Works

Anselm Fuerbach Paolo and Francesca
1863-1864 . Monaco, Schack-Galerie
Fuerbach choose one of the episodes best known among those narrated by Dante Alighieri's Divine Commedia.L it 'work fits into the genre historians, literary background, much in vogue in the art scene in the second half of nineteenth century. The German artist is a master of setting a realistic scene in attitudes and in particular, that behind the apparent simplicity of the whole, lies a complex study (from jewelry, clothing, vegetation surrounding the couple). They are reading the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, despite the apparent tranquility of the moment, the scene can breathe a certain tension which points to a future dramatic epilogue of the story.

Hans von Marées; the Hesperides
1884-1885, Monaco Neue Pimakotkek
the Hesperides, a triptych painted in the mid-Hans eighties, the panel Central depicts the three daughters of Atlas and Hesperia, in the side shows the old man, a very popular subject in paintings of all the figures drawn by Hans tempi.Le reveal identity hanging in the balance between reality and illusion, classicism and modernity, and their complex relationship with the landscape that surrounds them are very much part of the charm of the work. Hans is also due to the development of the theory of "pure visibility", which has so much culture in European figurative. The idea of \u200b\u200ba vision that relates to consciousness and not just the senses is a theme too modern, which will have its development in the thinking of the twentieth century. It is no coincidence that the search for non von Marees collect the favors of his contemporaries, still attracted by the official painting themed historical and social .- works

Marées and Hans von Adolf von Hildebrand1873,
Naples Zoological Station Anton Dohrn.
Masterpiece by Hans von Marees, performed a duet with his friend Adolf Hildebrand. The decoration consists of five painted panels, the largest of which on the north wall, is a group of rowers: an image that lends itself well to the poetry of Marées, always looking for new solutions the complex problem of the relationship between the figure and the background and vision of a balance between timeless and a reproduction of the real.
The Zoological Station of Naples is likely to become a major international laboratory experiment where the theories of Darwin, which is faithful follower of Anton Dohrn. The decoration, apparently unrelated, is actually full of symbolic references to life and nature. To study the iconography and execute the boxes is von Marées. Hildebrand is concerned instead of the decorations, the sculptures and the connection points between the five scenes, connected in the manner of Renaissance frescoes by Ghirlandaio and Signorelli. (The first image found network, the second from the book, History of Art)

Franz von Lenbach, the red umbrella, about 1860
Hamburg, Kunsthalle
A student of Piloty, with whom does the usual trip to Rome, instead Franz von Lenbach, successful painter, sought after for his portraits. His technical expertise, improved thanks to copies of paintings by great masters of the past, making it one of the best-loved artists from the aristocratic and upper-class clients.
Her works well simplify the ability to capture on canvas the spirit and the character of his subjects, the remaining balance in a sincere and spontaneous reproduction of the real and contrived a layout modeled after the classics. The interest in plein air painting dates from the late fifties, when a trip to Rome in the approaches to the landscape. With a treatment to large fields of color-closer to French Impressionism-Lenbach spot that depicts vignettes of rural life and vivid glimpses of natura.Offre an excellent example of tangencies between the scene and the German- Works

Hans Thoma The Rhine at Sackingen,
1873Berlino, Alte Nationalgalerie.
Closer to the lesson Coubert, known in Paris, Hans Thoma, regarded with suspicion because of his stylistic choices, the circles of Karlsruhe (where he was trained) who accused him of sympathizing with the socialist ideology. Under a veneer of objectivity naturalist, the work of Thoma hidden sentimental accents that betray the lesson of the master of Ornans landscapes, chosen by personal memories and feelings about the inner life of the painter, revealing a vein of nostalgia yet fully era Romantic painting. Hans Thoma, also distinguished himself as the author of still lifes very well resolved, paintings that tell of everyday bourgeois existence, in the disarming simplicity of the objects .- WORKS

Max Liebermann
The shoemaker's shop, 1881
Berlin Alte, Natinalgalerie
Research Liebermann's vision fluctuates between impressionist and symbolist experiments. Even before having the chance to see for myself the work of the realists francesi.L 'artist approaches the theme of daily life in smaller classes fortunate, egli affronta il tema del lavoro con spirito molto diverso da quello ben più impegnato socialmente, di altri artisti del tempo. La bottega del calzolaio e caratterizzata da una tavolazza luminosa, un approccio più libero Appassionato di opere di Monet e colleghi, Liebermann si avvicina con interesse all'impressionismo francese. Ma la sua esperienza a Parigi è interessante anche per comprendere quanto siano complessi e difficili i rapporti tra Francia e Germania all'indomani della guerra franco- prussiana. Liebermann viene accolto con molta freddezza dai francesi, non ostante due lettere di presentazione con cui giungeva nella capitale, la sua partecipazione al Salon viene commentata con toni di rancore e riprovazione dai giornali del tempo, che chiedono the artist to change as soon as possible nationality in exchange for the "privilege" in exchange "make a small sacrifice," advises him coldly Bonnat "neutralizing face it and become one of ours. Hostility French may have played an important role in low and very late diffusion impressionist aesthetics in German soil. Impressionism spreads in Germany until the end in the nineties, a time when the Secession was founded in Berlin, it forms a very heterogeneous group that includes among its followers and followers also Master impressionist artists including Liebermann.

Max Liebermann
Biergarten of Monaco
1883-1884, Neue Pinakothek
the impression of Liebermann, simply a loose brush stroke, which puts very little interest in the division of color or the problem of the effects of light on the canvas, his impressionism is different from that fancese, as is the very different environment in which it develops. The "German triumvirate of Impressionism", a term that was invented by Paul Cassirer, smart art dealer and focuses on painting Slevoget, Corinth and Liebermann Cassirer knows to use a term that best expresses the search for three artists, sinking le sue radici nella lezione francese, anche se negli ambienti ufficiali, reputano l'esempio francese fonte di corruzione per l'arte tedesca. Tra i francesi gli artisti tedeschi prediligono Monet e - Opere

Max slevogt
Al termine di una giornata di lavoro
1900-1901 Monaco, Neue Pinakothek
  Max slevogt, acceso socialista  accompagna il suo -al termine a day's work-with the comment (If abbsogna an explanation, more or less is this: The poor are entitled to a seat at the table of life) very sad- Works

Adolf von Menzel
William I, reached the army on July 31, 1870 to 1871
Berlin Alte, Natinalgalerie.
Menzel is the most prominent artist of the scene German in the second half of the century. A true chronicler of his time in Germany Menzel withdraws all its aspects, experimenting in different genres with extraordinary happiness. Orientation away from the memories of the idealist and his contemporary artistic production. His William I, reached the army on July 31, depicts the king with immediacy and liveliness that crosses coach Unter der Linden, one of the most famous avenues in Berlin. His wife, who accompanies him in the first section to the front, sits next to him, Germany is about to go to war with France, no one had shown concern or fear of such compositions futuro.Nelle Menzel fold its inspiration to willingness of clients, including interpreters to perfection the perfect taste for realism. The same realism we find in the concert flute of Frederick the Great to Sassouci

Adolf von Menzel
The concert flute
Frederick the Great at Sanssouci
1850-1852, Berlin-High, Natinalgalerie
Menzel, is skilled in representing the climate of the court of Frederick the Great, whose history has studied thoroughly and carefully, to illustrate the text Klunger. At the center of the two wings of people, the focal point of the entire composition, is the figure of the sovereign, the true protagonist of the scene .. The candle light propagates in the room emanado an uncertain light, which crosses through the walls and the floors, washes clothes and furniture but did not reveal the details and the magnificence of the decorations. Frederick II on the throne, playing the flute the wrong way. A passionate music lover, he also composed some pieces for this instrument. In the presence of his chamber orchestra, Federico II performs a small concert in honor of his sister, Marchesa Byreuth, on a visit to the castle. Menzel, con questo suo dipinto esprime la sua vena mondana, artista che prende regolarmente parte alle grandi feste organizzate a palazzo. Egli osserva la scena da un punto di vista sopraelevato, concedendo allo spettatore  di partecipare alla festa, con una pennellata vibrante-racconta gli abiti, le pose, gli atteggiamenti dei presenti, sebbene nessuna delle figure ritratte sia storicamente riconoscibile, ma solo frutto della felice invenzione del pittore.

Adolf von Menzel
Stanza con balcone 1845
High-Berlin, Natinalgalerie
Menzel, also expressed in the views within its expressive power,-the living-room with a balcony of the artist's sister. Painted in oil on canvas, is one of the best-known works of Menzel, popular because of its spontaneity, the artist portrays an interior you philistine, suggested by a few details (the mirror, two chairs, the picture on the wall, the bench) The spatial construction, simple but effective and very original, enriched by the interplay of reflections in the mirror and the light that filters through the curtains and settles on the floor, it is resolved in a masterful balance of solids and voids, which is largely the charm image depicted.

Adolf von Menzel
1872-1875, Berlin Alte, Natinalgalerie
Menzel years working on the project work dedicated to the world of factories. In 1872 he went to Königshütte to study the situation of industries in the area. The artist sets a scene of monumental dimensions, the canvas size 158X254 cm-, resolving the composition with great accents that turn the foundry in a sort of Vulcan's forge without betraying the truth of scene. The artist in this his masterpiece, describes in exquisite detail the inner extremities of the foundry. The worker is one with the car losing its identity, has become an issue of the monstrous logic of work in fabbrica.Il Menzel's realism in this painting it shows in his accents brutali.Molto more effective is the color choice, played on an almost monochrome brown hues on improvisation and power of the blast furnace, whose high temperature dazzles the faces of the workers, transforming them. - Works

I fully understand your spirit
I understand from your voice
and reasoning with you.
I would measure your weaknesses and your strengths

I would like to adorn your thoughts

of my wonders to calm the pain that betrayed

wish you were my happiness as I
I would cope better
this your soul irritated
not to irritate me.
a heart I would not blind to better understand

all my
I would never have been yours.
Maria Rosaria Di Lella


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