Monday, April 5, 2010

The Most Powerful And Smallest Binoculars

art scene SPANISH

Fra Tradizioni e Modernità


Immagini reperite dalla rete.

 Notizie  dal libro, 

La Storia dell'Arte

Facciata principale del Museo
del Prado, con la statua di Velázquez.

 Ritratto di   Isabella II di Spagna
Nel lungo regno di Isabella II, la Spagna cerca lentamente la strada verso la modernità, in favore di un'organizzazione politica, economica e sociale.
Dal punto di vista artistico, la Spagna presenta uno scenario frazionato e instabile, che vede dialogare personalità diverse, che caratterizza anche the art scene of the other countries of Europe-

The variety of Spain emerges especially in the historical genre. The Testament of Isabella Catholic (1864, Museo del Prado) Rosales Gallinas Eduardo is a masterpiece of history painting in Spain in time. The work, full of references to the great tradition of the Iberian conquest to France, where he was awarded a gold medal and the legion of honor by order of Napoleon III.Rosales Gallinas, perderà il favore della critica quando si aventurerà  in scelte stilistiche più moderne, come nel caso del suo - Episodio dalla battaglia di Tetuàn.


Eduardo Rosales Gallinas
Episodio dalla battaglia di Tetuàn.
1868, Madrid, Museo del Prado.
La tela narra la sconfitta delle truppe napoleoniche da parte degli spagnoli, justifies the high-flying style of the whole; ritrarreuniformi and faithful in the faces of the protagonists, the artist cites Velazquez and tradition, without knowing the make valuable suggestions that, in those years know how to get a "foreigner" as Edouard Manet.
Rich and the production of genre paintings, especially of scenes that illustrate local traditions, even romantic flavor It is a good example of the procession in Seville Copus Christ Manuel Cabral y Beiarano.

The procession of Corpus Christi in Seville
1857, Madrid, Museo del Prado.
The artist paginate a composition rich in detail, imbued with light, built on a solid cage perspective: the precision in reproducing the particular individual and the static attitudes of the characters portrayed are the virtues and the limits of the works of this type. Manuel Cabral y, is not the only exponent of this genre of painting: it is sufficient to observe before the bullfight Manuel Castellano.

Before the bullfight-1853. Madrid. Museo del Prado
A painting lively, but not vivid account of an important time of the English tradition.

Mariano Fortuny Idyll,
1868 Madrid Museo del Prado
The protagonist, at least from the perspective of the economic success of the English scene of the late nineteenth and Mariano Fortuny, an artist whose fame goes beyond the borders of country to gather a large following in the rest of Europe. Educated in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdeepen their studies in Italy. A trip to Africa, funded by Diputatiòn Barcelonesa who commissioned some episodes of the war in Morocco, opens the doors of the east, bringing it close to the taste for the exotic atmosphere of tempo.Fortuny very common in Europe, creates a unique stylistic and successful, which is in the works neurococò of eighteenth-century setting and scenes of his taste orientalista.Le paintings of the seventies have a freedom of brushwork and a sensitivity to light since, who think themselves herald a phase impressionist.

The children of Japanese artist living in
about 1874, Madrid, Museo del Prado.
The protagonist, at least from the perspective of the economic success of the English scene of the late nineteenth and Mariano Fortuny, an artist whose fame goes beyond the borders of country to gather a large following in the rest of Europe. Educated in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdeepen their studies in Italy. A trip to Africa, funded by Diputatiòn Barcelonesa who commissioned some episodes of the war in Morocco, opens the doors of the east, bringing it close to the taste for the exotic atmosphere of tempo.Fortuny very common in Europe, creates a stylistic unique and successful, which is in the works of setting eighteenth neurococò and in the scenes of taste orientalista.Le his paintings of the seventies have a freedom of brushwork and a sensitivity to light since, who think themselves herald a phase Impressionist

The way of Impressionism.
The extraordinary novelty of French soil are collected only by Hispanic artists. In particular
Beruete y Moret Aurelio De ,  Dario Regoyos ,e  Joaquin Sorolla Bastida   sembrano essere i tre pittori che meglio hanno compreso la lezione del gruppo parigino.
Il Prato di Sant'Isdro
Aureliamo de Beruete y Moret, specializzato nella pittura di paesaggio, è the first Spaniard to take an interest in the impressionist technique, while preserving the memory of the work of fellow countryman Francisco Goya, he demonstrates that he studied carefully in paintings such as The Meadow Sant'Isdro. His paintings are located in the early twentieth century and offer an interesting, albeit late, reworking Impressionism and English tradition.

Regoyos is a friend of the composer Albeniz - whose aesthetic. highly innovative, affects the shape of the artist - and he moved with him in Brussels. A contact with the Belgian group of XX, knows the European avant-garde painting and includes new features. But on his return to Spain to mark a more substantial shift to a painting of Impressionism impressionista.Un array closer to that of the second generation of the French (Rainbow, 1990 Museo de Bellas Artes) is measured with the stroke already fractional pointillist and if one part recalls Monet and the latest research, little impressionist, the late Renoir, Espressionimismo The other is a hopeful sign.

And they say that fish is expensive!
1894 - Madrid-Prado Museum
The third name of the so-called triad English impressionist painting of the century has different carattersiche:
Sorolla is a talented artist, whose style can hardly be categorized under the label of Impressionism.
Well known in the United States, gets a huge hit overseas as early as 1909, when an exhibition
New York beats all records of attendance. After a debut featuring the works subject to social
solved with realistic style, like-They say that fish is expensive! - Sorolla are attracted by a freer brushstrokes and bright, although
impressionista.Sorolla never fully reaches its top quality works in tidal areas, such as interesting, but very late, Children on the Beach (1910, Madrid, Museo del Prado), in which Sorolla has a copy of his essay masterful poetry of light in the representation of the movement of waves and reflections of bodies lying on the water and the shore - Beach of Valencia in the light AM 1908 - New York, Hispannic Society of America.


The beautiful girl haired blacks
is there on the grass and talk and play in the sun.
I know those games and I know those words
laugh that laugh and I think those thoughts.
Am I the girl haired blacks.

And also I see a brunette girl,
dreamy eyes at the night sky physis.
How many visions and many havens
in her eyes! You remember them, or Luna,
febe girl's brown eyes?

Now she's tired, put down the pen here.
man and press on the black lashes.
How many dreams and many springs
saw immaculate touch the roses?
Now she's tired, put down the pen here.


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