Sunday, October 10, 2010

Shower Rod Built In Hooks


(Enzo Pedrocco)

Nel suo libro di memorie Guy de Rothschild scrive, a proposito della vecchiaia, che essa è una disfatta e che, pertanto, “bisogna proibirsi di essere vecchi” : una parola!


"Il riflesso adocchiato in una vetrina, il rimando della faccia allo specchio da una angolazione insolita ci portano, così dicono, 'la prima inquietante presa di coscienza del fatto che stiamo invecchiando'. Freud racconta di una sensazione del genere: un giorno, in treno, vide entrare improvvisamente nello scompartimento un vecchio. Solo che was himself: Freud had used the image of his own head in the mirror hung behind the door, which had opened suddenly to a sudden jolt of the train. It felt a sense of repulsion. "

(Hillman /" The strength of character "- Adelphi Edizioni 2000 - Trad A. Bottini)

..." He did not (... ) any basis for the opinion of those who assert that the old are excluded from active life is like saying that the pilot in navigation does not do anything because he is quietly sitting in the stern, holding the helm, while some tree climbing , others run around to the bridge, other empty the bilge. Of course, does not do what young people are doing, but does much more and better. Not by force, with the speed or agility of the person, but in retrospect, with the authority and teaching do large firms: these are indeed the qualities of such as old age not only does not cease, but is usually richer.

(Cicero, "De senectute" / Trad.di A. Ghelardini)


sentences and brief reflections on old age great men, poets, writers, artists and philosophers from "Towards the evening. Thoughts on the old" by di M. Wilhelm – Città Nuova Editrice (2002):

“Mai rimandare a domani quello che puoi fare oggi! Potrebbe essere tanto bello che domani potresti già ripeterlo”( Wilhelm Muhs )

“Si dovrebbe sempre pensare che possiamo morire anche domani. E’ questo tempo che crediamo di avere davanti a noi infinito che a volte ci uccide” (Elsa Triolet)

“Per rendersi conto del livello culturale di una società o di una persona, basta vedere come si comporta nei confronti degli anziani” ( Zenta Maurina Raudive)

“Più si invecchia più The birthday cake looks like a torch "(Katherine Hepburn)

" Let's kill time, as if it had time to kill us "(Alphonse Allais)

" Who has the discretion to see beauty never grows old "(Franz Kafka)

" The passage of time blurs the outlines of the events and sweetens the painful aspects "(John Paul II)

" The value of a life not derived from its length, but its depth "(Gustav Frenssen)

" You always act, speak and think as if it were the last moment of your life "(Marcus Aurelius)

" Ageing is to see himself in a light more clear "(Simone de Beauvoir)

"It was old when the past is more pleasant than the future" (John Knittel)

"When your friends begin to compliment your youthful air, you can be sure they think you're getting old" (Washington Irving )


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