Thursday, November 26, 2009

Healthiest Brand Yogurt


this is sweet song that tells these lives, my
I saw those eyes
who lived a life wrapped in joy and sorrow thoughts,
that pain is always present and that change every day
face hiding behind the candor of a tear. Small
my life is you who have marked this time,
this time has taught us that hope is born from a heart
suffering and seeking relief from the sky.
This time we have learned that life sometimes
runs like a hare before being savaged.
This time it has taught us that love does not come from our hearts but the heart of him who created us and whose mercy or approval depends on our own breath.
This time it has taught us that the beauty of this creation is not belongs to us, we can be spectators only jealous of these marvels. Small
my life is you to enchant my heart
stars in the sky with your candor welcomed this universe.
my little lives that remain petrified for each victim fell on the battlefield

Every victim is a scream that comes from the earth and as a resounding echo in our minds.
weep or children this is the time where your tears are those mothers who give comfort to his knees in front of a coffin, listening to this life at that moment seems useless.
Small screw my welcome these verses accompanied by a sweet song.
welcomed this life, embrace this dream, which is not a pearl but false hope per tutti coloro che in questo momento stanno versando una lacrima come segno di un dolore che troverà conforto nelle parole . Parole di gioia , parole di conforto , parole che riempiono il nostro cuore facendolo naufragare in un’altra isola , parole che danno conforto, parole che ti rivelano la verità ,
parole che seguono la scia di un universo sconfinato
degno del suo creatore , colui che
ci insegna che la vita non ha tempo, è solo un attimo che fugge davanti ai nostri occhi ,come una farfalla che battendo le ali forma nel cielo tante geometrie che molte volte sono difficili da capire .


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