Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jonas Brothers 2010 Puzzles

Women in the art scene of the 'nineteenth century

In during the celebrations
dedicates a post to the artists of the nineteenth
with their beautiful paintings,
have helped to enrich the heritage of

(Artist often forget )
Post, which concludes with the
beautiful poetry of Robert found Anna's Blog Raffaelle
Greetings and Happy Holidays to all.

The conquest of their own space.
The situation of women in the arts and a very thorny issue
and complex, which goes hand in hand with the empowerment of women.
view of the obstacles and prejudices they have faced,
the number of women in the art scene are far more numerous than
than is commonly believed. is interesting to note that even in the popular imagination is affirmed of women artists: an important step towards the recognition of professional status hitherto denied.

Lilly Martin Spencer-November 26.1822 - 22.1902-May
New York

The nineteenth century is a century of major achievements for women.
The insistent demand of the growing educational reforms
women's suffrage (which will explode at the beginning of the next century)
integrated into the world of work and an awareness of their social
make women more aware of themselves and more
lavoro.In motivated in the struggle of this new scenario, there
contradictory aspects: on the one hand, the female population
are looking for a new role, the other restrictive model Victorian
relegated again woman in the role of mother and angel of the hearth.

Mary Stevenson Cassatt (Pittsburgh, May 22, 1844 - Château de
Beaufresne, June 14, 1926) was an American painter.
Cassant Mary, never became mother.
His art is almost entirely dedicated to children. .

problems for a woman artist are far from resolved.
Women were excluded by the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. The painter Marie
Bashkirtseff, published an article on
gional the Société du droit des femmes.

"We ask," he continues, "with indulgent irony
how many women there were great artists.
Eh, sir, there have been and this is amazing,
given the enormous difficulties that they encounter (...).
not only hinder women's studies with comportameti Gothic
not only is excluded from the state school, but they can not
access courses in anatomy, perspective and aesthetics etc...

Eva Gonzalez-1869-1870-

Société du droit des femmes, founded in 1876 by feminist
Hubertine Auclert, echoes
a dissenzo in which women artists have a prominent role
. Ostentation status an artist starts to become a
INSTRUMENTS for his revenge sociale.

Berthe Morisot ritratta da Édouard Manet
Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot (Bourges, 14 gen naio 1841 – Parigi, 2 marzo 1895)
è stata una pittrice francese.
Meno conosciuta dei suoi colleghi uomini, ma in certe tele più geniale di loro,
dimenticata dalla storia dell'arte, ma amatissima dai suoi amici -
Renoir, Degas, Monet, Cézanne, Mallarmé -
tanto da essere ritratta in molti dipinti o ricordata in scritti e poesie,
Berthe Morisot è ricordata più come la modella di Manet that the only impressionist artist.

The woman painter in the mid-nineteenth century no longer have to hide or take refuge in
reassuring lap family but it can come out, bravely putting game itself and in its creation.

Marie Bashkirtseff
11 November 1858 - October 31, 1884
Was a Ukrainian-Russian
b orn

One of the first symbols of this new perception
of their professional development was the workshop:
have a studio (perhaps shared with other painters),
make it their headquarters, is no longer
a male privilege.

Louise Catherine Breslau (December 6, 1856 -
May 12, 1927) was a German / Swiss artist.

the wake of increasing female interest in art
multiply schools for women.
Even the studios run by men
always open its doors to students more often.

Rosa Bonheur, born Marie-Rosalie Bonheur,
(16 March 1822-25 May 1899)
Portrait Rosa Bonheur "by Edouard Louis Dubufe
he shows the artist with a bull,
symbol of his work as a painter of animals, or animal

study Chaplin, attracts between 1860 and 1870,
many painters, including Mary Cassat, Eva Gonzalez,
then a pupil of Edouard Manet.L 'workshop Chaplin
collecting particularly successful because it is exclusively female.

Adrienne Marie-Grandpierre Deverzy

(1798-1869) Paris

Gwen John (Haverfordwest, 22 luglio 1876 –
Dieppe, 13 settembre 1939) è stata una pittrice gallese.

Asta Nørregaard , 1853-1933, norwegian painter

It 's a relevant fact that the studios run by men
increasingly open the doors to allieve.Alcuni
painters specializing in the 'education for women.

Christine Lange Kielland, Kitty Kielland kjend som,
(1843-1914) and var norsk målarinne.

In 1897, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts decides to finally accept
donne.Molte are also girls who intrapendono
long trips to Europe, a practice already in vogue men's time in the universe.
The real achievement lies in the freedom with which women can travel:
the presence of a companion is no longer necessary. 'S understandable that
to attract aspiring artists and especially Paris, at the time
undisputed capital of culture, strong magnet for artists and intellectuals

In the nineteenth century significantly increased the number of women
interested in sculpture, this phenomenon is part related to the conquest
its own space, which facilitates the use of materials
ingrombanti, unthinkable within the walls of the house.
That sculpture is, moreover, a technique difficult,
that requires a physical ill-suited, the fair sex.
As noted around 1865, the Rev. RBThurstone, "
" The Paletted, brushes and the colors fit so
natural to their hands, but tools are hammers and chisels
heavy and cumbersome, and mass of wet clay, blocks
marble and bronze castings are rough and intractable materials
for female labor. "In addition, the high cost of working:
so important that it is unlikely that a buyer afford
large sculptural work was directed at a woman.
Equally unlikely is that a woman can rely on a studio where large
handle the job.
The most famous sculptor of the nineteenth century and Camille Claudiel

Triumph of Fame, a painting by Lorenzo Costa in August of 1488

Fame is an illusion

Fame is an illusion
raised to the altars
on a pedestal that

not offer yourself to chase
Bringing a legend

on nothing is not honest. Receive

the appeal of the future and live without deception. Mark the edges

songs and chapters of your life.
Cela your steps as in the district

obscured by fog. Others will travel

your way up
footprint footprint.
is not for you differentiate

defeat from victory.
Never you betray the man but to live

and only live until the end.


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