Sunday, March 21, 2010

Manzanita Trees In Northern Arizona


Dai dati resi noti recentemente dall’Osservatorio Turistico-Alberghiero della Federalberghi relativi all’anno 2009 da poco conclusosi si apprende fra l’altro che, mentre i pernottamenti di turisti stranieri negli alberghi del nostro Paese, nell’anno preso in considerazione, hanno registrato un discreto e incoraggiante aumento, i pernottamenti di turisti italiani hanno registrato invece un calo piuttosto rilevante, per non dire disastroso.

As a possible root cause of this unexpectedly defection of the Italian tourists from the hotels of our house by several parties have indicated the high and low competitive prices of the latter for the pockets of Italians. But, in my humble opinion, I find that this is not true - or, if it is, is only partly true - and that the origin of this defection, there is the ingrained xenophilia first of many Italians.

During the period covered by Federalberghi, in fact, the Italians, even though, strictly speaking, have less money due to the adverse economic situation, to spend on travel and vacations, have not, however, withdrawn or not to travel or to go on holiday. Only they, by those who have become incurable heterophile - fearing a serious illness as the definition of provincial - to the many, beautiful and sometimes local economies in which teems Peninsula have our favorite by far, in their vast majority, some remote exotic locales, very well known and publicized a bit 'at all. And not at all, mind you, to save money. Because, contrary to popular belief, these locations, in terms of overall spending, resulting invariably in the end far from favorable economic and, Whereas, the cost of living - even though relatively competitive - you should always add the cost, not at all negligible, the air travel required to reach them (ENZO PEDROCCHI)

I get the impression sometimes that many Italians, Judging from their speeches and their behavior, are convinced that the money needed to meet the diverse needs of an advanced and civilized country such as ours grow on trees, by a miracle of a saint, rather than the income generated from its quite a few resources, which will obviously be much more active as the latter will be exploited, used and safeguarded. And not, as purtroppo molto più spesso di quanto non si creda, stoltamente svalutate, sprecate e affossate da una inadeguata amministrazione di esse o, peggio ancora, dall’ indifferenza e la noncuranza più totali nei loro confronti da parte un po' di tutti.

Un esempio, fra i tanti che potrei fare in proposito, può essere rappresentato dalle imminenti vacanze pasquali, che, manco a dirlo, non pochi nostri connazionali si accingono a trascorrere all’estero, affatto incuranti di poter aggravare ulteriormente, così facendo, la crisi che l’Italia sta da tempo attraversando in uno dei settori più vitali della sua economia, qual è indubitabilmente quello turistico. Mentre va da sé che se them, in that circumstance, they responsibly choose to spend their vacations in some places of the peninsula, they would certainly have at least partially mitigate this crisis with clear advantages, but also for our tourism industry, for the whole country (ENZO PEDROCCHI)


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