Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Transmission Fluid 110cc


Far from become "the morning prayer of modern man" - according to the wish of Hegel - reading the newspaper or newspapers, both in their traditional print edition in the online media, meets today new and unexpected obstacles - including which, above all, the claim more and more ways and times to make information on the so-called "web 2.0" - which hamper it in a much more serious and more serious than any obstacle encountered in the past.

Until a few decades ago, when yours truly was still little more than a boy, the biggest obstacle standing in the way of reading one or more daily newspapers printed edition, which was still the only existing, was represented by a widespread reluctance to the reading in our country and due in large part, in addition to a low level of culture medium at all to have the slightest familiarità con la lingua italiana scritta, al fatto che la giornata della stragrande maggioranza della popolazione italiana era ancora forzatamente assorbita pressoché interamente dalla preoccupazione di mettere insieme quotidianamente pane e companatico. E non c’era quindi assolutamente spazio, né voglia, per distrazioni fuorvianti quali la lettura anche soltanto del quotidiano locale, riservata a pochi privilegiati che, grazie alla discreta condizione economica di cui godevano, potevano tranquillamente permettersi tale “lusso”, assieme curiosamente a pensionati, disoccupati e sfaccendati vari che, pur non godendo ovviamente dei medesimi mezzi economici, potevano tuttavia disporre di tutto il tempo possibile e immaginabile e approfittare during the day the newspaper that, like today, many public places are used to make available to its customers.

Subsequently, in a few years, everything changed fortunately thanks to a relative affluence spread in most of the Italian population and the launch in our country, similar to what had already happened a long time in other European countries, of mass schooling. But, despite the fact that after these changes become the newspaper every day for many Italians a primary means of information and movement of ideas, but we do not differ much in the world ranking of reading newspapers, they were still relegated in last place, where, after several years, is still shown today - by, paradoxically, in certain countries where the notoriously press freedom and the right to information which are essential to democracy, are being systematically violated - taking into account that, as you can read between the other things in an interesting article by Stephan Faris published in "Time" just a few months ago - Italy's Newpapers: Untrusted Sources - only one Italian out of ten law on a daily newspaper, against one in five U.S. and three in five in Japan.

In this regard, however, today, unlike the past when there was a tendency to attribute almost exclusively to the hastily because of the limited success of newspapers in our country to a supposed innate idiosyncrasy of reading against the Italians in general and to wrongly assume that the newspapers did not have anything to reproach which, not a few analysts are of the opinion that it, beyond all possible faults of the Italians, should certainly attributable in part to what the newspapers could not do and have done and continue to do today to avoid the crisis in a long time.

E 'in the eyes of all, to cite one example, they have not innovated pressoché nulla in un secolo e che, se si eccettua qualche dettaglio, come la fotografia a colori o il formato tabloid, i quotidiani che troviamo oggi in edicola non siano poi molto diversi, alla fin fine, da com’erano un secolo addietro. E, quel che è peggio, è che essi tendano per lo più a trasferire la medesima staticità e mancanza di innovazione, in forme diverse, anche nelle loro edizioni on line. Con il risultato di una sostanziale delusione da parte dei lettori, sia giovani che meno giovani, i quali chiedono in genere maggiore partecipazione e interattività; notizie inedite che non risultino, possibilmente, già apprese la sera prima dalla televisione o dalla radio e attinte solo ed esclusivamente dai canali ufficiali, but also from other news sources, alternative to the latter, such as blogs, citizen journalism, social networking etc, and especially images and video to the post, preferably, certain pedants pistolotti written primarily, rather than to inform, to show off its prose and culture with friends, colleagues, politicians etc..

It goes without saying that as long as the newspapers, be they paper or digital, will not feel the need to innovate, especially bridging the gap between what we usually offer and what would be requested, the crisis in act, not only will not cease, but that appears even more logical.


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