Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wooden Fingerboard Sale 2010

The daily distribution to kiosks of the historic center of Venice in the early hours of the morning, newspapers and periodicals


At the bottom of many emails I receive, marked with a logo depicting a small leaf, often find the phrase "Respect the environment. Do not print this email if you do not need "an invitation, in other words, not wasting paper and contribute thereby to protect the planet from the disastrous deforestation in place a bit 'everywhere and especially in the Amazon rainforest. And also to prevent, if the mail, once printed and completed its purpose, would end up as often the case in the trash, excessive and unnecessary accumulation of waste paper difficult to recycle or dispose of without causing damage, in one way or another, the environment.

Given the crisis in newspapers for years now a bit 'all over the world and especially in our country - not having been able to grasp and make their own opportunities offered by social and cultural changes have occurred in recent years globally via the Internet - and considered that their publishers, despite the inevitable financial losses resulting from the crisis, continue undeterred to send them on sale regularly using tons and tons of paper, and wasting nearly as many because yield more consistent every day, why not pay them a call also to respect the environment and not to print their newspaper if it is not necessary?

Maybe some of them can not repent, for once, closing down shack and puppets rather than insistently pity funding from the state, blame is wrong with the Internet or rhetorically unlikely prospect risks to our democracy, as if a company has finally learned to communicate on its own and in its place, without any need for intermediaries or distributors from the top of world views, then something was undemocratic.


Related Links

fall in sales for newspapers, data

( everyday-i-i-dati.html)


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