Thursday, April 30, 2009

Convert Electric Golf Cart To Gas


The Large Hadron Collider LHC or large collider hadron is a particle accelerator at the collaudao CERN in Geneva, at a cost of over EUR 6 billion ...
The project consists of four experiments: CMS, ATLAS, LHCb and ALICE. We have committed up to 6,000 scientists and technicians, including more than 600 Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).
LHC is the largest and most powerful accelerator of protons and ions achieved so far, that after the acceleration phase, provides for their fight to reach an energy of 14 TeV teraelettronvolt.
LHC is located in an underground tunnel, about 100m deep and 27km long, located on the Italian-French border. E 'consists of 1600 superconducting magnets, cooled to -271.25 ° C by liquid helium superfluid, which carry a magnetic field of 8 Tesla.
The LHC into operation began September 10, 2008 at 9:45 am, with a low energy, but the experiment was 'blocked' because of the split between the two magnetic stripes, and will return to operating in a few months .
The machine will accelerate two beams of particles circulating in direzioni opposte e che collideranno in 4 punti in cui il tunnel si allarga, e in cui ci sono sale sperimentali di osservazione.
Lo scopo di tutto questo sembra sia trovare tracce del bosone di Higgs (che origina le masse delle particelle) e di altre particelle...
Esistono varie opinioni su ciĆ² che potrebbe succedere se LHC porta avanti il suo esperimento:
- distruzione della Terra
- creare un buco nero ....
- creare monopoli magnetici
- altro..
Gli scienziati del CERN tranquillizzano su questi ipotetici rischi, sul sito del CERN si trovano Documents on the structure of the LHC and phases of the project.
Yet LHC continues to arouse conflicting thoughts and is the subject of heated discussions and books (also released the short film), think about Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, where the antimatter is created LHC as a weapon against the Vatican.
What will happen? What you're looking for? You will be able to travel size? You have the key ...


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