Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Which Has More Calories Wine Or Cosmopolitan

The path in Yoga and ego

Years ago, when through a defining moment in the evolution that I love 'metamorphosis of the soul', vortices in flows at the time and curiosity in various corners of the world in search of something ... I had no awareness of my inner self and that made me''malleable'' any energy came up to me ... which is not always pleasant ... things never come to the event and fortunately after a dark period I started to follow the Kundalini Yoga and this has given me an awareness of what they are now .... started my journey in the IE.

Kundalini Yoga is the legacy of technical knowledge and spiritual tradition passed on for thousands of years. It 's a science that combines breathing, meditation, relaxation, art of the sequence of movement, rhythm and sound


Kundalini yoga works on the body through the kriya , sequences of postures and movements associated with special breathing techniques. Through the physical practice blood circulation is stimulated, the tissues and organs are purified and strengthened, the glandular system is balanced, the nervous system strengthened. He feels a sense of vitality and body awareness, accompanied by a feeling of self-awareness gradually growing.


Oltre e contemporaneamente al lavoro sul corpo, attraverso il rilassamento, la respirazione e la meditazione, il Kundalini Yoga agisce con un processo progressivo anche sull’energia mentale e la concentrazione, donando l’esperienza di una calma interiore profonda. Amplia la radianza che migliora a sua volta il nostro impatto sul mondo esterno. Aiuta a eliminare i nostri modelli e schemi negativi.


Il Kundalini Yoga è una disciplina attiva, una tecnologia il cui obiettivo è di produrre in ognuno l’esperienza pratica della propria consapevolezza più elevata, is considered the most accomplished of all yogic disciplines, is called the "yoga of awareness." According to yogic philosophy, takes its name from the Shakti (wife of Shiva), the "coiled snake" resting wrapped in turns three and a half at the base of the spine. Shakti is the feminine polarity opposite to Shiva (the male polarity placed on top of the head), he wants to meet, the energy that runs through the column by relating the two poles is the kundalini.

The energy of the kundalini is a latent energy that can be awakened through:

- asana: postures suitable to stimulate meridians, nerve endings and energetic centers called "chakras" (which I'll discuss at length below).

- pranayama: the science of breathing, the proper way to carry prana (vital energy) in the body through breathing.

- the dhyana: meditation.

The physiological process and that energy must be released through the practice of kundalini yoga is very complex: each individual in the material body is surrounded by a shell which is the energy called prana or etheric body, also called the vital body because it represents the true principle of life.
Prana e Apana sono le forze vitali che alimentano il nostro corpo fisico ed il nostro spirito. Il corpo può fare a meno, anche per lunghi periodi, di acqua e cibo, ma non potrà mai fare a meno, se non per pochissimi minuti, dell’aria che respiriamo e che costituisce appunto la nostra energia vitale.

Sul piano etereo l’energia viene raccolta e distribuita attraverso i chakra; sul piano materiale ciò avviene attraverso l’alimentazione, la luce del sole, l’aria che respiriamo.

Lungo la colonna ci sono tre canali energetici. Attraverso il canale centrale, denominato Sushumna, fluisce Shakti, l’energia kundalini (collegata al pianeta Mercurio) che alimenta i chakra. Dalla narice destra parte pingala, il canale che stimola la parte sinistra del cervello; rappresenta l‘energia solare e trasporta prana “energia positiva”, la cui qualità è calda, con effetto stimolante.

Dalla narice sinistra parte invece ida, il canale che stimola la parte destra del cervello; rappresenta l’energia della luna e trasporta apana “energia negativa”, l’energia della eliminazione, con effetti calmanti.

Quando queste due energie, prana e apana, si incontrano all’altezza dell’ombelico, la prima in seguito all’inspirazione, la seconda dopo l’espirazione – aiutata da una sospensione del respiro e da una contrazione muscolare – creano un that activates the kundalini fire. The apana prana energy and awaken the "sleeping serpent" that begins to rise along the central canal (sushumna), flowing through the chakras to reach the Shiva Sashara (the crown chakra).

long as prana and apana are not found in a balanced way, the kundalini will not be released ..

It is clear that the awakening process just described is the culmination of a long journey that can take a lifetime, a very complex process aimed at deep understanding of one's self.

We talked about the Chakras and is therefore appropriate to explain what it is.

Chakras ("wheel" or "lotus" in the Sanskrit word) and speakers are collectors of energy that are within the pranic body.

The energy that flows through the chakras affect our physical health and wellness on our body and determines the way we think and feel, and our state of consciousness.

In summary, the Chakras are the receivers, processors and energy conductors, are the points of collection and interception in the air we breathe life force (prana). They are the gateways for the current and vital energy in our body pranico. Ogni chakra è in comunicazione con determinati organi e determinate zone del nostro corpo e fornisce la forza necessaria per il loro funzionamento.

Si distinguono 7 principali Chakra (otto se si considera tale la nostra “Aura”, il campo energetico intorno al nostro corpo, ma in realtà si parla anche dell' attivazione di altri chakra per un totale di 12), distribuiti in ordine ascendente lungo la colonna vertebrale:

1) Muladhara-chakra, il “sostegno della radice o base” (situato alla base della colonna).
Il primo chakra è in relazione con il nostro istinto di sopravvivenza o di autoconservazione. Sviluppando l’attività di questo centro, si rafforza il nostro senso di identità e di indipendenza da ciò che ci circonda. Una carenza nell’attività del primo chakra determina mancanza di autonomia e di individualità. Per tradizione questo chakra controlla le funzioni sessuali negli esseri umani, insieme al secondo chakra.

2) Svadhisthana-chakra, il centro della sessualità.
Il secondo chakra assorbe l’energia vitale e regola le nostre emozioni, la nostra creatività, la sessualità e la riproduzione. Tutti i fluidi del corpo sono regolati da questo centro. Fisiologicamente collegato alle ghiandole surrenali, ai reni.

3) Manipura-chakra, il centro dell’ombelico or the city jewel.
The third chakra is the center of energy and will, emerge from the lumbar region of the spine. Chair to emotional states, the intellectual faculties, the powers of the mind, stomach and upper digestive system, often related to pancreas, spleen and liver. Limited activity of this chakra leads to apathy, lack of energy and capacity to impose itself on the contrary, an excess leads to activism, sometimes to extreme aggression.

4) Anahata chakra, the center of the heart or the sound does not vibrate.
It lies between the upper thoracic vertebrae and is manifested through the cardiac plexus and thyme, also connected to the sense of touch. The fourth chakra determine the extent of our ability to express love and sensitivity towards others, is responsible for the ability to open your heart and donate altruistically. When this center is blocked you feel cold or have inhibitions against neighbor.

5) Vishudda-chakra, the center of the throat or purity.
The fifth chakra controls our voice and, more broadly, our communication skills and individual expression. Any difficulties in the image of himself and reporting to the next indicate the presence of a block of this center. They are connected to it thyroid parathyroid.

6) Ajna-chakra, the center of the forehead or the command center (third eye).
The sixth chakra helps us to develop our intelligence and our intuition.
A low activity of this chakra leads to confusion of thought and inability to perceive the facts in an intuitive way.

7) Sahasrara-chakra, the center of the top of the head or thousand-petalled lotus.
The seventh chakra is the chakra of the cosmic consciousness, it is recognized as core Divine and experience their identity with God and unity with the entire universe. Related to the pineal gland.

In Kundalini Yoga pranayama, that the regulation of breathing and pranic energy management is done through so-called Kriya, which are a combination of various exercises, techniques of Asana, Mantra and of Mudra.

With the concept of Asana means certain, well-defined body postures and movement sequences with balanced breathing in a general summary and specific sequence of exercises called Kriya precisely. The Kundalini yoga kriya of paths are in fact a training plan which will determine both physically and mentally or energy, on the one hand strengthen, harmonize or enhance a specific physical organ or a part of the body, on the other give a sense of vitality and consciousness of one's body accompanied by a feeling of self-awareness gradually growing. A

Mudra is a determined and well-defined position of the hand and fingers through which you can have influence on our mind and our psyche. Certain positions of the hands and fingers involve certain areas of our brain and our mind and energy you exert an influence.

Mantra are certain syllables, words, phonetic sequences, used as a tool to focus and to direct its influence on consciousness. They are energetic vibrations within, a stream of sound that is related to a well-defined content or object linked to sacred words or names with a spiritual significance, intended to give a deep inner calm.

Kundalini Yoga is a journey, a way, we can all take, and which will bring us in a gradual transformation, provided that there is an intense body and spirit, a constant training of the mind through concentration and discipline of meditation, a cleansing and a great strengthening of our bodies and balancing the endocrine system nervoso.

Questa preparazione comprende, in qualche modo, anche le regole esposte da Patanjali sulla disciplina nei confronti del mondo esterno e di quello interiore. Senza un certo distacco spirituale dal materialismo della vita quotidiana, senza un atteggiamento di raccoglimento meditativo, risulterà difficile intraprendere il Kundalini Yoga, così come qualunque altra disciplina yogica. Lo yoga è una disciplina olistica, che plasma ogni aspetto della nostra vita: una vita consapevole in senso yogico conferisce energia e forza, che si esprimono nella vita quotidiana e ci donano calma ed equilibrio interiore.

La pratica Yoga, per effetto di alcuni diffusi pregiudizi, è vista ancora oggi con qualche riserva mentale e resistenza psychological. For us Westerners, we have a mind more stressed and attached to material things, yoga, while respecting its purposes are those that combine their individual consciousness with the cosmic joining with God's body, his soul, his mind , will at least help to harmonize and remove energy blockages.

The experience of those who want to take the path of this discipline, as I have been able to verify directly while considering its infancy, will be readily apparent to experience the benefits: ease joint and muscle tone with regard to the outside, well being and best functioning of organs such as heart, lungs, brain with regard to the inside, from a purely physical.

But also, on a psychic level, the greater will power, concentration, serenity, greater attention to the external environment, progressive detachment from material things.

Who calls me now: but what is yoga? I said, although aware of the reductive response: to feel good about themselves and, above all, in harmony with the universe and in relationships with others, being yoga a way, it is important to get in the way we do not know where, how and when the time comes, but everyone, if you like, find their own way. The important I ask you in the street with humility and with no expectations, as always a pure heart opens the way ...



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